TBI-095 Cultural Hegemony and The Other F-Bomb, With Author Megan Dietz

Intelligent people discussing complex ideas with patience and bravery is not how we usually describe The Big Inside.  But when author Megan Dietz joins us for a compelling and challenging discussion on how the feminine body ideal is the result of anything but feminism, the investment in the topic rose sky high.

With the recently renewed wave of feminist activism being reinvigorated in the US, we wanted to steer our own discussions towards intersecting how physique aesthetics intersect the narratives surrounding the political and social debates now under way.  There is neither a subtle way to enter the conversation about the impact and source of our culture's assertion about women's bodies, nor is the conversation one that can be streamlined.  Yet Megan, host Christian Matyi, and show regular Nick Lefebvre unpack a small corner of the gender politics involved wth physique sports and the experience of women in our culture. 

Megan Dietz is the author of the book, "Be Less Crazy About Your Body," as well as the host of the podcast Madge.  

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